Usage of Consumption Voucher 消費劵使用

Dear customers of,

Thank you for your continuous support! would be excited to inform you our acceptance of using government-issued Consumption Voucher for purchases on our website starting from April.

What is more, purchases with government-issued Consumption Vouchers could enjoy 10% special discount for buying any Gofit brand items on our website.

Don’t hesitate spending on our high quality fitness products, among our great variety of fitness products!

We accept WeChat Pay or Alipay for the payment of Consumption Vouchers.


親愛的 altushk.com會員:



仲有!!! 使用消費券購買任何 GoFit 品牌產品,可享激筍9折優惠。


本店接受 WeChat Pay 和 Alipay 使用消費券。



如有疑問歡迎您用電郵聯絡或Whatsapp 66455179 向我們查詢。

If you have any enquiries or interest, feel free to contact us via our e-mail or Whatsapp 66455179

Our Company reserves the final decision and the ultimate right to make any changes to all terms and conditions underlain by the promotion activities以上優惠活動最終解釋權歸本店所有。

#運動產品消費券 #健身產品消費券 #消費券攻略 #消費券運動


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