GoFit 指導球|專業級|運動球|健身球|瑜伽球

$ 235.00

運動/瑜伽 引導球,3 種尺寸 55cm、65cm 和 75cm

GoFit Guide Ball 專業級運動健身瑜伽球 75cm銀灰色 套裝附腳泵




With the exercise printed directly onto the ball, the GoFit Guide Ball is a fun, yet challenging way to stretch, tone and tighten your body. What makes the GoFit Guide Ball so challenging? Unlike training on a stable, flat surface, the ball is a round, unstable surface, so you not only train the primary muscle groups, but also the smaller stabilizing muscles as well. The stabilizing muscles are small, yet very important muscle groups primarily used for balance, alignment and posture. The ball total body workout is very efficient, allowing you to see the results you want in a much quicker period of time. This ball is not intended for use as a chair.

Ball Height Recommendations: 
•55cm (red) - recommended for persons 5' to 5'5"  (150 cm to 165 cm)
•65cm (white) - recommended for persons 5'5" to 6' (166 cm to 183)
•75cm (blue) - recommended for persons 6' and over (>183cm)

•Guide Ball
Intro to Stability Ball Workout DVD
Training Manual
•Ball Plugs and Ball Plug Remover
•Foot Pump
•Bicycle Pump Adapter
•Measuring Tape

Available in 3 sizes: 55cm, 65cm, 75cm dia.
•55cm—69 inches in circumference or 22-inch diameter
•65cm—81inches in circumference or 25.5-inch diameter
•75cm—93 inches in circumference or 29.6-inch diameter

2000lbs. Static Weight-Rated

#body ball #yoga ball #gym ball #exercise ball #balance ball #fitness ball #fitball #Swiss ball
